Program Overview

General Information

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c) School calendar: Office of School Registration/Graduate

d) General academic news of UFV:

Graduate Bylaws

Graduate in Cell and Structural Biology Bylaws


Master’s: Started on 9 and 10 of February, 2004

Doctorate: Started on 9 and 10 of February, 2004

Register: Master’s and Doctorate Program are registered by CAPES. CAPES recommendation is based on the evaluation by experts in the research field and the result is a graded level. The ratification of the result by the Ministry of Education assures national validity to the degrees of the programs with grades >=3 and is equivalent to the recommendation that the art. 46 from LDB.

Coordination: The Program is offered by the General Biology Department from Universidade Federal de Viçosa, with academic and didactic interdepartmental quality, owning to the participation of advisors and courses offered by different departments of UFV.

Didactic-Scientific Coordination: it consists of a coordinator, three representatives of the advisors and a representative of the students.

The Graduate Program in Cell and Structural Biology from Universidade Federal de Viçosa, in Master’s and Doctorate levels, recommended by CAPES, aims training researchers in cell and tissue biology from natural populations. In the last few years, cell biology has ceased to be a purely descriptive science to become an investigative science, able to elucidate and even interfere in biological processes and systems. Recent researches in cell and tissue biology have incorporated data from molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, physiology, mathematics and bioinformatics, , with use in systematics, taxonomy, behavior, conservation and management of species, recovery of degraded areas and breeding.

The Graduate Program in Cell and Structural Biology enables training in two research lines:

Cell and Tissue Biology: This research field aims at the implementation of structural and ultrastructural studies of animal and plant cells from natural populations for the comprehension of the functional morphology of these organisms.

Quantitative and Molecular Analysis of the Genome: This research field aims support of genetic variability analysis, gene regulation, taxonomy and evolution of different organisms from natural populations using cytogenetic and molecular biology approaches.

Besides, the program encourages the student to take part of the Doctorate at other institutions internationally recognized, when convenient for their complete training and also receives professionals from the area or related fields for training Aat post-doctoral level.


Secretaria da Pós-Graduação


Universidade Federal de Viçosa

36570-900 – Viçosa – MG – BRASIL


Tel.: +55 31 3899 1760Fax: +55 31 3899 1760

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